The time after knee replacement surgery can be really rough. You will be dealing with pain, appointments, and you just won’t feel like your regular self. But the holiday season has to be good right? Even better, it has to be amazing! It’s the most wonderful time of the year, right? Well, right up there with fall and Halloween for me. Usually, it’s just a straight shot from September to January 1st as the most wonderful time of the year in my book! Check out this December guilt free activities list for some great holiday and Christmas activities that will keep you busy and bring your heart a little cheer during your knee replacement recovery.
During recovery especially in the early stages, in the winter you probably won’t be out and about as much. Of course, everyone is different, but I tried to keep this list low-key and on the safer side for the early stages of knee recovery. If you are farther along and looking for more winter adventure, check out the guilt free winter list HERE.
14 December guilt free activities that will keep you busy all holiday season
1. Make your own holiday cards to mail some joy!
Grab that tray table, some cute holiday cardstock, and go to town. Not the crafty type? I always have fun designing holiday cards with pictures from my past year on websites like Shutterfly too!
2. Wear an ugly Christmas sweater
There are some fantastic, and hilarious sweaters out there. Here are a couple of my favorites.
3. Make an ornament
I’m such a fan of those clear ornaments that you can put keepsakes in. I made one last year with all my daughter’s birth memories in. Hey! You could even make a knee replacement one! Keep your hospital bracelet. A picture of you and your new knee, a piece of the hospital sock! Write the date on the front. Ha! Hey, it’s a little cheesy but what a fun little memory you can always have of the surgery that changed your life!
4. Host a ZOOM Christmas Party
Don’t have the energy and ability to host a big Christmas party yet? Host one on Zoom with some of your family and friends. There are some great online games to play and just chat. I bet just seeing their faces will bring a lot of cheer!
5. Give back by volunteering (Many ways to do this online from home)
There and many ways to volunteer right from your home and computer. Here are a couple of ideas. Send support notes through the USO to the troops. Be a virtual tutor. Join a crisis helpline of your choice. There are so many more as well. Do a quick search for a project you’re passionate about and I’m sure you’ll find a way to help! Feeling ready to be up on your feet? Wrap presents for charity. Serve food at a soup kitchen. Go caroling.
6. Make dinner as a family
Often times one person in the household is responsible for cooking the meals. Take some time and make dinner with your family or your loved one. Are you the main cook? Teach your loved one how to make their favorite meal while you are still recovering from knee surgery. Not the cook of the house? Learn how to make your favorite dish or at least help out as best as you can.
7. Have a holiday movie marathon
This is by far the easiest of the December guilt free activities list. It can even be done right from the hospital bed! Let me know in the comments some of your favorite holiday movies!
8. Decorate the Christmas tree
Depending on where you are at in your knee replacement journey, you might need some help with this activity. It can be a lot of standing and reaching. Great balance exercise for knee rehab though! If you find this task to be daunting still, get some help from family or friends and help as much as you can. I promise the finished product will be worth it and bring cheer for the rest of the holiday season.
9. Bake cookies and do door drop-offs to neighbors, first responders, teachers
Have fun baking and bring holiday cheer to others! It’s a win-win. Just make sure you leave a couple of cookies for yourself! You deserve it after all that hard work!
10. Start a new holiday tradition with your family
This one might be my favorite one on the list! Last year my family and I started a gingerbread house decorating contest that we plan on doing every year. This year a couple of my ideas are ornament making or sponsoring a family. Let me know your ideas in the comments!
11. Drive around and see the local Christmas decorations
Christmas lights are so pretty around my hometown. We even have a couple of houses that do a whole Christmas show to music and everything!
12. Call your loved ones and tell them how much they mean to you
Now, this is one of the December guilt free activities that really could be done all year round, but it can be extra special during December. Many people love the holidays and everything involved with them but others find this time of year challenging for many reasons. Reach out especially to those who are having a hard time and let them know how much they mean to you!
13. Make a Holiday Craft
So many great holiday crafts to choose from! Here are a couple of ideas.
14. Get matching Holiday PJ’s
My family has done this every year for about 4 years. It’s so much fun! Each year more and more stores are on board with this trend! You can find matching holiday PJ’s almost anywhere!
Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you enjoyed this list and found something you can do during your knee replacement recovery! Have other fun ideas? Comment below!
Curious to see the other Guilt Free Activities Lists? Click HERE!