I get asked all the time was your knee replacement surgery worth it. Without hesitation, my answer is always yes. The next question is almost always, “really, even after all the pain and complications you had?” still yes. Want to know why? Please continue reading to find out why I think knee replacement surgery is worth it.
It All Started With A Bad Knee
I had a bad knee for a very long time. Read the whole bad knee story HERE. But I’ve struggled with knee pain since I was a young adult in my twenties. I missed out on extracurricular activities and many family adventures. I also gained so much weight. I couldn’t be active to the point of burning off enough calories to lose weight. Of course, I never changed my calorie intake, so the weight piled on. I would start thinking about my life and health, and the anxiety would build, making me eat even more. Honestly, it was an endless loop of disaster.
The absolute worst thing about having a bad knee was the inability to play and care for my daughter the way I knew I could. I regret to this day not fighting for the knee replacement surgery sooner. I often ponder what I missed out on when my daughter was little. What activities I couldn’t do with her like crawl on the floor and play bouncy ride on my knee. I just was not the best version of myself.
I know what you are thinking, “your daughter will never remember the not-so-perfect moments” and ” you did your best, momma.” But it haunts me, and I wish I had that time back, especially seeing my life now; I am capable of so much.
Is Knee Replacement Worth It? 110% Yes!
The knee replacement surgery recovery wasn’t easy. There was pain, insomnia, and much exercise/PT, but my life is 110% better than before surgery. I notice many in my regular daily activities have become effortless. For example, I can clean, vacuum, and do laundry efficiently. I’ll often spend an hour or two just cleaning with no breaks, including the deep cleaning I could never do before.
Also, I was able to get a new job with Shipt. (Click HERE for a $10 off membership coupon) Being a Shipt grocery shopper is a very active job. I walk almost 6 miles every day. I lift and carry many heavy items such as cases of water, cat litter, and watermelons. The biggest test to my knee, though, is reaching low and far back on the bottoms of shelves. It takes getting down on one knee and getting back up. Kneeling to perform a task was impossible before knee surgery. I honestly would have never been able to do my job with Shipt before my knee replacement.
Let the Fun Times Begin… Again
Fun, family activities, and adventures were finally something I could enjoy again after knee replacement surgery. My favorite of all, I became the coach of my daughter’s softball team. I warm up, run and play catcher. It brings me so much joy and makes me feel like I’m making up for some of the things I missed out on when my daughter was little. I can go for long bike rides or walks with my husband. Now that I’m healed, we often try new low-impact sports like snowshoeing and even a few 5K’s.
The most significant activity that made knee replacement surgery worth it was how I now play with my kids and nephew. I no longer have to be the mom and aunt that just sits and watches. Instead, I chase, crawl, and play all the games they want for however long they want.
If you are not convinced yet. I haven’t even mentioned how much better vacations and local events are. I no longer have to seek out the nearest seat to rest my knee. I no longer have to avoid anything to do with stairs. I no longer need my husband’s help to walk or climb stairs without the fear of falling, even though the sweet guy still reaches his hand out for mine every time we enter a stairwell.
Life is so much better without knee pain.
Have any questions about my story? Comment below! I would also love to hear why you do or do not think knee replacement surgery is worth it.
Ready to take the knee replacement journey? Take along these 20 Questions for your knee replacement surgeon so you can be fully prepared for surgery! Or click below for a copy. I promise I won’t spam you and all emails will contain useful info!
Until next time… happy healing