Weeks 5 Through 7 Of Knee Replacement Rehab From My Perspective

Weeks 5 Through 7 Of Knee Replacement Rehab From My Perspective

After an adventurous but boring first four weeks of knee replacement rehab, it was time to head into the middle weeks of knee rehab. I know it sounds crazy to have it be both adventurous and boring, right? Read more about it HERE. After that fun, I figured the next...
5 Natural Pain Relief Techniques After Knee Replacement

5 Natural Pain Relief Techniques After Knee Replacement

Pain is one of the biggest hurdles to overcome after knee replacement surgery. It’s also one of my five truths, read the other four HERE. Many will have to be on some form of pain medication during their rehab time. Sometimes it’s not enough. Or maybe you...
11 Best Gift Ideas For Post Knee Surgery

11 Best Gift Ideas For Post Knee Surgery

Gift Ideas For Your Post Surgery Loved Ones A family member or friend just had knee surgery. You want to get them something for a care package or a get well gift that has some meaning and would be useful. Maybe, it is close to a holiday like Christmas, and you figured...
10 Necessary Items For After Your  Knee Replacement Surgery

10 Necessary Items For After Your Knee Replacement Surgery

Getting ready for your upcoming total or partial knee replacement surgery can be a hectic time. Not only are you trying to get all your pre-op testing and doctors’ appointments done, and there are a ton of them. But you are also trying to enjoy time with your...
My Surprisingly Challenging First 4 Weeks of Knee Rehab

My Surprisingly Challenging First 4 Weeks of Knee Rehab

Recovery after major surgery can look so different from one person to another. Going into my first four weeks of knee rehab after my partial knee replacement, I only had stories from my friends I met online and the doctor to go off of to know what I was getting myself...
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