Don’t Get Bored, 20 Activities to Keep Entertained After Knee Surgery
Finally, you got that nagging, painful knee fixed. You have your supplies and equipment for knee rehab, but you’ll find yourself bored and looking for things to do in the earlier weeks of the knee replacement recovery. Check out this list of 20 activities to...
14 January Guilt Free Activities for After Knee Replacement
The rush of the holidays is over. You still rehabbing from a knee replacement and you are dreading the winter months. I get it. There is definitely not as much stuff to do safely in the middle of winter after knee surgery. This January Guilt Free activities list will...
14 December Guilt Free Activities for After Knee Replacement
The time after knee replacement surgery can be really rough. You will be dealing with pain, appointments, and you just won’t feel like your regular self. But the holiday season has to be good right? Even better, it has to be amazing! It’s the most wonderful time of...